Rules and RegulationsSECTION A - General Rules
1) The following rules are set and to be interpreted as follows. If there are any immediate rules decisions that need to be interpreted please contact the rules judge if they are available. If they are not available you can ask one of the other league officers if they are available. If they are not you can work out an immediate agreement with your opponent and file a decision with the rules judge when available. There should be no need to shag the rules judge or other officers for a ruling if their match is already underway.
a. If you do not agree with a particular ruling you can file a protest in writing to the rules judge on the night of occurrence. The rules judge will review the protest and respond with his ruling to all parties involved and officers prior to the next event. There should be no reason for verbal or physical controversy.
i. If any points need to be reassigned the secretary will process the point reassignments.
ii. If the rules chairman feels there is excessive verbal and or physical controversy he is eligible to assign a 2 point penalty toward the member and members team. If it continues the player may be suspended or expelled from the league.
2) The league shall consist of 24 teams, consisting of (4) men with a reserve group of alternates. Regulars and alternates players must be males 19 years or older.
3) League play will be divided into (2) nights, Monday and Tuesday nights. The schedule as set in this book will be followed. All play is at the Mount Prospect Golf Club.
4) The golf season for both nights will be divided two divisions, with a 1st and 2nd half winners, those divisional winners will play each other to determine the season division winner, then play the respective nights finals match to determine the nights champion. The nights champions (2 teams) will play for the overall league winner (held the Wednesday after Labor day at MPGC).
5) Day of play attendance rule, how to choose the alternate and apply forfeit rules.
a) You must arrive at the course and notify your partner you are present by 5:00 p.m. The ONLY exception is;
i) If you call the pro shop OR notify your opponent by 5:00 you will be late, you have until 5:15 to arrive at the course.
ii) If you arrive after 5:00 without prior notification OR after 5:15 when proper notification was given, your match is eligible for forfeit, only after the below has been exhausted.
b) If your scheduled match does not show at the required time as noted in "a" above, the following MUST be followed before any forfeit points are awarded.
i) If alternates are available they MUST be used, regardless of handicap, AND in the order listed on that days alternate sign-up sheet. If there are available alternates and you choose not to use one, forfeit points will not be awarded. Golfers choosing not to play a particular opponent/alternate may be subject to suspension/expulsion.
ii) If an alternate of any type is scheduled for a match but that particular match cannot be played due to any reason, the alternate is eligible to be reassigned as an active alternate for the evening and any match needing an alternate must revert to all other alternate rules. If an alternate is reassigned, the match in which the alternate was originally scheduled shall be declared a forfeit in favor of the alternate, in which the team he was originally assigned for will receive team forfeit points. The alternate’s points will be based on the match that he is reassigned too.
iii) A player is REQUIRED to make every effort to find an alternate. Only when it is determined there are absolutely no alternates available, forfeits points will be awarded. When it is determine no alternates are available, you MUST have your card signed by a league officer (if present), OR, a course employee in the pro shop, the turn card into league box.
6) Deviation from the official schedule is not permitted.
7) Each team consists of (4) men, all men will compete for team points, on each day of play. During the week of play, as a courtesy to your opponent, contact your opponent and discuss the time you expect to play. This is a courtesy for any golf match and will help develop camaraderie that will insure a long lasting league.
8) Each team will have an appointed captain "A" Player, this player is responsible for the continued presence of his team. If a team member is required to be absent, the absent player is responsible for arranging an alternate. In the event an alternate is not scheduled, the absent player should contact his captain. The team captain is expected to secure an alternate.
i) NOTE: A regular team member that plays on a team from the opposite league night can play as an alternate. Points won and scores shot by this person playing as an alternate, only count as team points for the team which he played as an alternate, they will not be added to his individual cumulative point total. Handicaps are calculated separately for Monday and Tuesday nights.
9) If a team captain consistently has trouble securing alternates, he will report this to the league secretary for rectification.
10) Any player missing two weeks of play without furnishing an alternate and/or notifying the captain in advance of his absence will be subject to replacement as determined by the league officers, and acted upon by an affirmative vote of a majority of officers present.
11) If replacement of a team member (leaving town, injury, etc.) is necessary the replacement player will be from that night's alternate group. Sub rules; sign-up priority, seniority, and amount of participation will determine the eligible player(s). If multiple players are eligible, consideration will be given to the new teams overall team handicap with a focus on the team handicap, and in keeping within the leagues handicap guidelines.
12) All league play will be on a handicap basis. All play is from the WHITE tees. The ONLY exception is for seniors (age 65 and over) with a handicap on the night of play greater than 15. Those players have the option of teeing from the GOLD tees.
13) The full flight of the ball must be observed in the twilight. When the majority of the foursome can no longer see the flight of the ball, the match shall be considered completed.
14) Team player must play his opponent. Both are required to tee off as soon as possible after both are present within the official tee times. Whenever possible, try to arrange a starting time near to 4:40 p.m. Pair up with another twosome on the tee.
15) Top player on the scorecard for each match will keep score. Both the scorer and the opponent shall sign the card. Card MUST be turned in immediately after the round. DO NOT FAIL TO TURN IN YOUR CARD! Scorekeeper should indicate the points won for both the match and medal play BEFORE TURNING IN THE SCORECARD.
16) Green fees for those not holding a season pass will be charged the appropriate rate as determined by the MPPD and payable in the pro shop prior to the round.
17) At the beginning of the season's play, each team member will pay to the league treasurer the sum of $100. (Alternates are $50). All dues must be remitted to the treasurer no later than the first night of play. If the dues are not paid after the member's first night of play, the member's points are FORFEITED. If at any time during the season, an alternate becomes a regular team member, he will pay his team captain an additional $50.00, which will be given to the treasurer. These fees will be used to defray the cost of operating the league and will entice team members to participate in the final banquet of the season's end without further charge. Alternates will be assessed the cost of the banquet if they attend ($50.).
18) Alternates are eligible to compete for "alternate" prizes based on their total number of points won in competition during the season. These points will be accumulated and credited to the alternate in the following ways:
i) Points won substituting for a regular team member, such as match, medal, and low individual net.
ii) Alternates may also play together and not as team members each league night on either nine holes. For these matches alternates can win two points (match and medal, both at full handicap basis).
iii) In addition to points won in competition, each alternate shall receive one "participation" point for playing a match either with another alternate or as a substitute for a regular team member.
iv) If an alternate is available to play they are expected to play in a match when a match is available. Alternates not choosing to play will be given a warning, if an alternate chooses not to play more than once they are subject to disciplinary action.
19) On position nights and league playoffs, alternates must have played at least five nights during that season. The player needing the alternate must exhaust all resources in order to secure an alternate with such credential. If they have proven to their opponent that they were unable to do so, other alternate choices are open to play in order to complete a match.
20) All alternates, including regular team members desiring to play as alternates, shall post their name and handicap on the alternate sheet, located by scorecards and league "box".
22) Remember that a player's enjoyment of the game depends largely upon the common courtesies extended to him by others. Don't unnecessarily crowd the foursome ahead of you; do not hold up the group behind you. DO NOT PLAY FIVESOMES.
SECTION B - Scoring System and Handicaps
1) Team matches are based on a 10 point system each week.
- 4 Points Each match is awarded 1 point for "match play".
- 4 Points Each match is awarded 1 point for "medal play".
- 1 Point Low net individual score between the 8 players.
- 1 Point Low net team score.
2) In the case any team plays with three golfers, the low net team point will be based on the low 3 players' net scores.
3) In the event that both players (or their alternates) of a match are absent so that the match cannot be played (or forfeited, as provided in Section A #4), no points shall be awarded either team for that match. Opponents CANNOT agree to "split" points, matches must be played for points to be awarded.
4) The point for "low team net" will be forfeited to the opposing team, if a team has less than 3 players golfing.
5) In case of ties, fractions of points will be awarded.
6) Any match that does not complete six holes of play due to weather or darkness will divide the points equally regardless of the match status at the time they were forced to quit.
7) Matches forced to quit after play of hole 6, 7 or 8. will score the match points as won. In figuring point winners on medal score, the handicap will be used only on those holes played and taken as the handicap holes break on the scorecard. (for example: if the match stops after the 6th hole and your opponent still has strokes coming on 7, 8 or 9, those strokes will not count).
8) Should a match play the wrong nine, the results will be used to award ONLY the individual match and medal points. These scores DO NOT qualify for low team and individual net points.
9) Handicaps are determined by using the best 3 out of 5 scores (at 90%-revised for 2013). For NEW players use Table A until 5 scores are posted. The league also uses Equitable Stroke Control (see Table B) when determining handicap, ESC is used when scores are "posted" in the computer, DO NOT adjust scores on the card.
a) For the first night of play for all returning regular and alternate your handicap from the previous year will be used, with your 5th oldest round dropping off after each week of play.
b) Handicaps are used to level the playing field between golfers. Players are expected to play at their best every shot, every hole and every match. "Sandbagging" will not be tolerated.
Table A
Match Played Scores Used For Handicaps 1 First @ 80% 2 1st Round @80% 3 Best Round @ 80% 4 Low 2 @ 90% 5 Low 2 @ 90% 6 + Low 3 of last 5 @ 90% Table B
Handicap Maximum Allowable Strokes Over Par Per Hole 4 or less Double Bogey 5-9 7 10-14 8 15-19 9 19+ 10 10) Teams are drawn based on the prior year's handicaps, starting with the top 12 players, these make up "A" Flight, next 12 the "B" flight and so on, until all 48 players are placed on a team.
11) If re-flighting of team is necessary it will be done by the league secretary, in accordance to the rules below. If a players handicap is higher or lower than his team members handicap on (3) consecutive nights, the players will swap flights, when a swap happens it will stay changed for a minimum of 3 weeks, in accordance with the rule above. In no event will players be rearranged on any nights play to suit an alternate handicap. It is the duty of the league secretary to enforce this rule.
12) All team members are expected to graciously accept an infraction if claimed, and report the incident to the team captain for clarification. The team captain should then proceed to the Rules Chairman. Upon request of the chairman, a formal written protest must be submitted to the Rules Committee.
13) In the event teams are tied after position nights, the tie shall be broken by comparing the tied teams total net scores from the 1st hole played that day. The team with the combined lower net score will be declared the winner. If the teams tie the 1st hole, the tiebreaker becomes the 2nd hole, etc until a winner is declared.
14) Should the course be unplayable on position night, position night will be cancelled and the order of finish will be determined by the last week of play for that half.
15) In the event of a team tie for the League Championship, the tie shall be settled through a sudden death format as determined by League Officers the day of play. Every effort will be made to have a playoff, in case a playoff cannot be done, the scorecard playoff will be used.
16) With the exception of special events, all prizes and awards will be at the year-end banquet. Season total points will be used to determine the order of prize selection.
SECTION C - Ground Rules
(These rules differ slightly from the USGA Rules)
1. Winter rules will govern play. The lie of the ball may be improved in your fairway ONLY within a 6 inch radius. Fringe of the green is considered fairway.
2. Ball in the rough shall be played as it lies. If lie is improved the penalty is 2 strokes and loss of hole.
3. BALL IN SAND TRAPS: After notifying your opponent, a player may lift the ball if the ball is in pebbled sand, a footprint or depression made by ground implements or persons or than himself or his own ball. Level the sand and replace the ball without penalty. In dirt or sodden traps, the ball in the rough rule applies. A ball below the level of the trap lip or edge shall be considered in the trap.
4. Player shall not heel or sole the club in a trap or hazard when addressing the ball. PENALTY IS TWO STROKES.
5. Liberal time shall be allowed to locate a lost ball but MUST NOT EXCEED FIVE MINUTES. Players while looking for a lost ball should allow the following players to play through. If the original ball is found after a replacement ball has been played, the player must continue play with the replacement ball. ONE STROKE PENALTY.
7. Ball striking a golf bag (not yours), caddie, cart, guidepost, implement, vehicle, bridge, hut, shelter, water fountain, ball washer or similar obstruction, shall be played from the place where the ball comes to rest WITHOUT PENALTY.
8. When the ball comes to rest too close to any type of boundary fence, the ball may be moved two club lengths away, no nearer the hole with a ONE STROKE PENALTY.
9. A ball striking a flag stick (when in the hole) played for any point on the putting green will result in the LOSS OF HOLE IN MATCH PLAY, and a TWO STROKE PENALTY IN MEDAL PLAY.
10. If a player hits a wrong ball, he must go back and play his original ball. Penalty 2 Strokes-Medal play, Loss of Hole-Match Play
11. Out of Bounds - Under a PENALTY OF ONE STROKE A player shall:
a. Hit another ball from the same spot immediately, OR
b. Drop a ball within 2 club lengths at the point the ball went out of bounds, no nearer the hole.
11. On Hole #16, a ball hit form the tee into the creek shall be played as a lateral water hazard. Another ball can be played from the drop area, regardless of where it crossed the hazard. Penalty 1 Stroke.
12. A player must use the same ball from tee to green unless the ball is lost through penalty, or is damaged and replaced with the permission of the opponent. Failure to do so is a ONE STROKE PENATLY. After marking the ball of the green, a player may, with no penalty, use a different ball for putting.
13. USGA rules will apply in all situations not stated specifically above.
14. All twilight league players are expected to adhere to the local Mt. Prospect Park District Rules.
15. Wood Chips - There will be no relief from wood chips except if the ball were to rest on a clear and apparent wood chip cart path. If the ball comes to rest on all other wood chip areas, you must play it as it lies or determine the ball unplayable. If deemed unplayable, the following options are available:
a. Proceed under the stroke and distance provision of Rule 27-1 by playing a ball as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original ball was last played (see Rule 20-5); or
b. Drop a ball behind the point where the ball lay, keeping that point directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped, with no limit to how far behind that point the ball may be dropped; or
c. Drop a ball within two club-lengths of the spot where the ball lay, but not nearer the hole.
SECTION D - Weather-Standards for Play
1) The goal is to play golf every night in a safe and playable environment. Internet radar allows the weather judge and officer(s) the most up to date information to make this decision. Note: weather may break after the scheduled tee times. If the course has the flexibility for us to play…we will play.
2) Golfers should call the golf shop (847) 259-4200, after 4 PM (this is when the "weather judge" will make the decision), to see if play is cancelled. The league WILL NOT PLAY if it is known at 4:00 P.M. the following;
i) The Mount Prospect Golf Course is closed for the night for any reason. NOTE: If you feel the golf course will be "closed for play for the night" earlier than 4:00 PM call the golf shop.
ii) There is lightning at 4:00 P.M. and expected to continue through the evening, making it unplayable to fit ALL groups in.
iii) There are heavy rains expected to continue through the time of play. Showers and pass-through fronts are not included.
iv) Standing water is visible on the greens and expected to stay through the time it takes for all groups to finish.
v) The temperature is below 45 degrees AND precipitation, OR 80% or better chance of precipitation through the time of play.
vi) The "wind chill" is below 32 degrees during our time, formula is; 40 degrees & > 10 mph winds or 35 degrees & > 5 mph winds.
3) On tight calls, the Weather Judge, after consultation with at least 1 other league officer, will make the decision at 4:00 PM on play. A third officer will be consulted in case of a tie. If the decision is made the league is not playing on any given night, golfers may play at their discretion, as long as the course is open. These scores will not count for league purposes.